Tuesday, May 17, 2011


 We have had some crazy weather! Flooding, flooding and more flooding! I live on a creek that most of the year, is a quiet, slow and shallow creek. Not so this spring. We had flooding like I can't remember. The road just 1/2 mile up was closed. The photo I  took was several hours after it got bad. That is one of many problems we had in my area. I had to go back roads to get to town and even then I drove through water. I am happy I was driving an suv.
My back yard took a hit too. I have never seen the creek that high or angry. At one point it decided to send some of it's over flow through my back yard. Thankfully the water didn't leave a mess on my yard. My neighbors weren't so lucky. Their yard got washed away. What a mess the water made. Where there was grass is now a huge pile of stone and debris. They are thankful it did not affect their home. As am I.    On a happier note, we had an impromptu gathering at our fire last week. One friend stopped, another called and before we knew it we were having a small party. My wonderful husband brought home pizza and my friends husband stopped. We sat at the fire later than we should have as it was a work night and some of us had to get up and go to work. Happily, I was NOT one of them. I don't do well with out my sleep. Does the word bear mean anything? That's what I am on less than seven hours. One of my favorite things is a bunch of friends stopping and having fun. I have to say, I have the best friends! I treasure each one. On that happy note, Till next time.                                                                 

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Spring Flowers!

 The last two days have been heaven sent. The temperatures reached toward sixty and the sun was glorious. As the snow melted away it uncovered a wonderful sight. My crocuses (crocii)  were blooming! What a wonderful sight to see. Flowers in mid March. I also noticed my gardens are a mess. I believe more so than usual. This winter has been a long hard  one. What with all the sand, stones and assorted items thrown on the road a lot of it has congregated in my garden. The snow blower, so often used, deposited drive way gravel in it, leaves that would not fall early are piled up and road sand the plows threw about are all making it look a little sad. But among the stones and leaves are shoots of spring bulbs pushing their spears up to meet the sun. I don't remember planting so many but will welcome them when they start blooming. There are several different colors of tulips, many different types of daffodils and others
I can not yet identify.  Along with the flowers there are many birds of many colors returning. One of  my personal favorites is the Red Wing Black Bird. I love their colors and their song. Another is the beautiful bright orange oriole. They are one of the last birds to come back. When they show up I know summer is almost here. In our yard we have a large weeping willow tree where the orioles build their elongated nests every year. I love spring and everything that it entails. Yes, even the mud doesn't get me down. Here in the "Hollow" mud means spring. Till next time.  

Monday, March 7, 2011


Yesterday was a beautiful, sunny day. The birds were having a great time picking the seed off the ground and flitting from tree to tree. This is a photo I took yesterday morning. Wonderful! Today is a different story. Over night we received about 22-24 inches of snow. Wet, heavy, nasty snow.  Where there were no snow banks are now banks almost as tall as I am. Our driveway has been cleaned out twice and the snow is higher than my window sills. 
This next photo is after. I wonder if it is the same bird? He doesn't look very happy does he? The way he is cocking his head makes me wonder            
if he is as upset with the weather as I am. We can only hope that as March has come in 
like a lion it will go out as a lamb and stay that way. I'm sure the little guy in my photos will agree. Till next time.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Slowly But Surely

 Spring is in the air. At least today it is. Sheets, fresh from the line is one of my favorite things. Nothing can duplicate the smell or feel. I believe I am experiencing early onslaught of spring fever! Yes, there are still snow banks and lots of cold but here and there you see hints of spring. The willow trees are turning yellow, birds are returning and I am starting to do spring cleaning. On my agenda this spring are two rooms. That means two rooms to rip out the ceilings, insulate, re-sheet rock, paint, replace windows, replace 

floors and trim out. That means two rooms get emptied into my living room. Can we say huge mess! One of the rooms is my library. I started cleaning off book cases and trying to down size. I gave away five large bags of books and it doesn't show. At what point do we look around us and say enough? When I'm at camp I do with a lot less stuff and enjoy it. What if we did with less in our daily life? I am NOT suggesting that we give everything away but maybe live with just a bit less. HHMMM! I think I can. That is of course not the house in Florida I am looking to buy. That is an investment in our retirement. Winter there, summer here. In my mind it can't get much better. Wait! Then I would have two houses full of stuff! I give up. You can't separate the girl from her stuff. Speaking of stuff, my beloved lap top is going in for repair. Even though I still have my PC, separation anxiety is setting in.  Thats it for now. Till next time.

Friday, February 25, 2011


 Yes, more snow. The weather man says 6-12 more inches. Our schools aren't closed yet but I do believe they will be announcing an early dismissal. The wild life is getting ready. The bird feeder is very busy as is the suet feeder. Between the birds and the squirrels it is quite a show! The sassy blue jays are trying to take over but the other birds and the squirrels are standing their ground. I opened a window close to the feeders and all took off with the exception of one very bold squirrel. He continued to eat even as I talked to him. Cheeky little thing he is.
 So far I have counted three squirrels, four blue jays, three cardinals, several chickadees, some juncos and one lone mourning dove. I have taken so many pictures that my camera battery is dying. I love my digital camera. It takes beautiful photos and the ones that aren't up to snuff, I delete! Love it! I will leave you with one more picture of my traffic. Till next time.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


I don't know about you but I live by the clock. I have clocks 
all over my house. Some are decorative, others utilitarian. 
Some are big while others are small. I even have a travel clock I take with me where ever I go. Why? I ask my self that sometimes. Of course, like every one else I have appointments, work schedules etc. But there are times when I have nothing looming on the horizon, no schedules, no must do's but I still am glued to the clock. When I'm on vacation it takes a few days to forget the time and relax. We all need time away from the clock. Time to relax, time to reflect and time to be quiet. That being said, I love clocks. Pictured are just two of my clocks. The first one my mother gave me and the second is my newest acquisition. They are my favorites. I searched over a year for the clock pictured on the bottom. I knew exactly where I would put it and how it would look. I am very happy to say my expectations were met. 
My question is now, what do we do with our time? Do we spend time with our families? When we get through with a busy day how do we spend our last few minutes before sleep captures us. Is there a loved one who could use a minute of chit chat? Is there a phone call to an old friend we could make? Yes, we all need quiet time but "others" in our lives need time too. Today I am challenging myself and any one reading this to make time for some one we care about. We will all be blessed by this gift of time. Now it is time to finish. With no pun intended, till next time.

Sunday, February 20, 2011


I love flowers. As a matter of fact, I work part time in a flower shop. A dear friend of mine owns it and I have worked with her, off and on for many years. Last week was Valentines Day so we were very busy. As Valentines day is also my birthday I am always suspect of orders with no name. One order was florists choice. I looked at the price level and started working on it before I caught on that it was for me from my son who was vacationing in Florida. I handed it off to my co-worker and told her to finish it. Of course there was a lot of laughter about it. There is a satisfaction in making so many people happy. Each arraignment is done with the customer in mind. We try to make even the smallest bouquet special. After all, whether large or small they deserve our best.
That's it for now. Till next time.