Saturday, March 5, 2011

Slowly But Surely

 Spring is in the air. At least today it is. Sheets, fresh from the line is one of my favorite things. Nothing can duplicate the smell or feel. I believe I am experiencing early onslaught of spring fever! Yes, there are still snow banks and lots of cold but here and there you see hints of spring. The willow trees are turning yellow, birds are returning and I am starting to do spring cleaning. On my agenda this spring are two rooms. That means two rooms to rip out the ceilings, insulate, re-sheet rock, paint, replace windows, replace 

floors and trim out. That means two rooms get emptied into my living room. Can we say huge mess! One of the rooms is my library. I started cleaning off book cases and trying to down size. I gave away five large bags of books and it doesn't show. At what point do we look around us and say enough? When I'm at camp I do with a lot less stuff and enjoy it. What if we did with less in our daily life? I am NOT suggesting that we give everything away but maybe live with just a bit less. HHMMM! I think I can. That is of course not the house in Florida I am looking to buy. That is an investment in our retirement. Winter there, summer here. In my mind it can't get much better. Wait! Then I would have two houses full of stuff! I give up. You can't separate the girl from her stuff. Speaking of stuff, my beloved lap top is going in for repair. Even though I still have my PC, separation anxiety is setting in.  Thats it for now. Till next time.

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