Friday, February 4, 2011


It looks as if the sun is going to shine today. That doesn't happen to often in this neck of the woods. The temperature bottomed out at -1 this morning but it is already warming up. It won't be warm enough to get rid of the snow but we will take what we can get. The snow is good for making snow angels. This angel is my grand nieces first. She and her parents spent a wonderful Christmas with us. Bailey loved playing out side. The cold never seems to bother little ones. The day she made this the wind was blowing and the temperature was around 12 degrees. How she cried when we went back inside

Here is a photo of Bailey and her dad. We walked down to see the creek, which at that time was frozen over. As much as I hate the cold, I have to
admit that the creek is lovely this time of year. I would love to have them visit in the summer but their work is done in the summer so that isn't likely. Being a rancher is a lot of hard work. I admire them for their commitment to the work.
I marvel at the deer this time of year. My back yard looks like Grand Central Station for deer! The entire yard is filled with paths and holes where they dig for food. They particularly love my patch of myrtle. I fear my patch will be much smaller come spring. I do love watching them so I guess there is a trade off. Also come spring there will be fawns playing in my yard and hopefully more wood chucks. Last year there were five babies running around. The deer would walk right up to them. Neither seemed to mind. As you can tell, my mind is on spring. It has been a long hard winter so far and a nice warm day with sun would be a blessing. On that wishful note, I need to sign off. Have a wonderful day. Till next time.

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