Thursday, June 25, 2009


I have been up in the mountains for a few days and today my husband called and told me Lucy is missing. He has walked the creek and searched for her to no avail. I am hopeful that she just moved on as there is no evidence to the contrary. She will be missed.Till next time.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Fun In The Water

I walked down to the creek to see what Lucy was doing as she hadn't been up all afternoon. I had enough forethought to take my camera with me. She was swimming up a ways then floating down talking all the while. She is my only contact with domestic geese so I don't know if they all talk like she does but she is a motor mouth! If she doesn't like something she grumbles, if she is happy she chatters, if she wants something she looks at me a tells me. It really is amusing.

Lucy was having a wonderful time going up and floating down. Just like a kid she ignored me and continued on. I did enjoy watching her. You could see that she was really enjoying herself.

I snapped a few pics and left her to her floating and jabbering. About an hour later she came up demanding food. Which of course she received, in quantity. She loves to eat! But then so do I. For the next few days I will be in the mountains so maybe I'll post a time or two from there. Please don't worry about Lucy as my husband will be seeing to her wants and needs. When he isn't available there is a very good friend who will be seeing to her. Enjoy the sun. Till next time.

Thursday, June 11, 2009


I have a bench in the back yard that draws one to sit and reflect. The ferns I planted a couple of years ago seem to like the spot and the myrtle with it's beautiful periwinkle flowers are a sight to see. During the day it's a good place to listen to bird song but at night the wonder of lightening bugs are all around you. I remember as a child, my sisters and I would catch them and put them in a jar to keep by our beds to keep the night monsters away. It must have worked as I never did see a monster under or around my bed.

The locust trees are in full bloom now and the air is full of falling blossoms. The back lawn looks like it has snow on it. Lucy has a hard time deciding what to eat because the blossoms looked like her favorite food. (white bread) I tried to give her whole wheat once and the grumbling that came from her made me very aware that she did not like it! Yes, she is a very opinionated goose. Lucy is now sharing the back yard with a couple of squirrels, two small rabbits and a wood chuck. None of which seem to bother her or her them. It,s fun to sit and watch them go about their business with out getting to close to one another. In a few weeks the fawns will be in the yard. Every year the moms bring their babies to our yard so they can run and play. One year there were three fawns playing . What fun it was to watch.

I am sorry to say that the pond is on hold. My car needed the money more than the yard. I am still hoping though. As you can see, Lucy needs one. We sometimes go down to the creek and spy on her . She swims around talking to herself. I wish I knew what she was saying. With that thought I will say, till next time.

Thursday, June 4, 2009


First I will tell you why I haven't posted lately. The day after my last post my mom passed away. Very shocking and very sad. I'm dealing. Now on to happier things. My gardens are growing at an amazing clip. The bachelor buttons are splendid, the lupins are almost ready to open their spikes and the feverfew have more buds than ever. Add to that bleeding hearts, columbine, (in two colors) beautiful orange poppies with many more getting ready to show off and you have lots of bright and happy colors. In the field next to my house are wonderful smelling wild flocks. The scent is almost intoxicating.

My new garden, (last fall) is looking good too. The winter kill I had has been replaced and all the plants are growing and blooming. Maybe next time I will show pics of that one. Lucy continues with her funny goose ways. She has a path around the house that she takes when she wants feeding. If I don't throw her some food she starts grumbling. Now be honest, have you ever heard a goose grumble? It is hilarious! She makes me laugh. Laughter is good. I'll finish up with a pic of our new driveway ornament. Till next time.